This tool is used to get BB cardinal (left, right, top, bottom) values in a more convenient way.
The grid lines are what the offsets are calculated off.
Upload a new sprite with the button below.
The currently "active" sprite has a blue border. A sprite can be activated by clicking on it. Use arrow keys to position element, or drag and drop it.
Sprite settings
Paste cardinals (left, right, top, bottom) and push enter to position active sprite.
Presets: common sprites used for templating. These are added the same way as any other image you upload. Presets overwrite XML definitions.
Upload a sprite (.png or .jpg file) to add to the grid.
Current sprites on the grid. The currently "active" sprite has a blue border. A sprite can be activated by clicking on it. Use arrow keys to position element, or drag and drop it.
Upload sprite XML

You can upload XML files with sprite definitions to speed up development. Each XML file must have an outer element (arbitrary), and any number of elements within.
Each <sprite> element must have an img tab, whose value must match the filename of the sprite you want to target. Only the last part is looked at, so if you are uploading an image file ./my/cool/assets/head.png and a XML <sprite> with ./vanilla/head.png, they will match on head.png.
Each <sprite> tag can then have left,right,top, or bottom tags. If you don't need one of them, leave it blank, don't set it to 0.
<sprite img="test\head.png" top="-100" bottom="68"/>
<sprite img="test/body.png" top="-62" bottom="68" left="0"/>
When the XML file is loaded, it will try to match any existing sprites on the grid.
When you subsequently load new sprites, it will look at the existing XML definitions.